Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Performing with BenchPressBurlesque!

So far it was awesome. This is the first time I've tap-clog performed as "clog the system"...and act in itself. It's a developing thing for me...the performance thing.. and I'm excited about where it's going. Stay tuned for pictures!

the following is the updates from BenchPressBurlesque


We are on the road! We're gathering the forces of immodesty at IDA right now, getting our show ready for Saturday. Look it up and get here now!
And we're on for shows at Antioch University, and for Milo Arts center in Columbus OH. RSVP to by Monday the 24th for a 2$ discount. We've also got special guests with us- Clog the System (Ithaca, NY/Yellow Springs,OH) and Dr. Sustain (Columbus,OH). Please tell your friends!!!
We're trying to organize a show for St. Louis between the 26th and Oct. 2nd. Stay posted for details!

Ida-Saturday afternoon show.

Antioch-College Theater, doors 7:30, show 8PM.
all ages, donations welcomed!

Coumbus, OH- Milo Arts- 617 E. 3rd St.-just south of 5th, just east of Cleveland Ave. in the big schoolhouse!
Doors 7:30, show 8pm. Non-smoking, all ages.
10$ door, 6$ for residents of Milo, 2$ discount with RSVP to by Monday sept 24th.